
We enable companies to operate, source and supply in line with normative frameworks, legal expectations and best practices on heightened human rights due diligence, conflict-sensitivity and International Humanitarian Law; where possible, we support companies to go beyond ‘minimum standards’ to have positive impacts on the lives and livelihoods of those affected by violence and conflict.

Violent conflict is on the rise 
The past decade has witnessed the spread of international conflict and political instability worldwide. There are currently over 70 Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings (FCS), affecting 24 per cent of the global population.

As a result, companies increasingly find themselves operating in or sourcing from FCS. These contexts are often characterised by a range of dynamics that can undermine even the best-intentioned companies from operating responsibly.
Business activities are never neutral
When companies operate or source from in conflict-affected areas, their presence and activities interact with the context to shape the impacts that the company has on its stakeholders and on the operating context itself.

While companies may deliberately position themselves as neutral actors with respect to conflicts and tensions, the impacts of their activities are however never neutral.
Norms and standards are changing
Normative guidelines suggest that corporate due diligence should be proportional to risk. In conflict-affected areas, risk is elevated and the standards expected of companies are also elevated. 

The UN Working Group on business and human rights specifies that when businesses operate in conflict-affected areas, they have a responsibility to understand and address their impacts on conflict by undertaking ‘heightened human rights due diligence’.
Legal obligations & expectations are evolving  
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive outlines expectations for companies with business activities in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. 

Notably, companies are expected to adapt policies, governance mechanisms and due diligence processes to the specific risk factors associated with business activities in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. 
A human rights lens is necessary but insufficient  
An approach based solely on human rights will fail to capture company impacts on conflict and is unlikely to adequately assess the most significant human rights risks, particularly those that have a bearing on the conflict, including but not limited to IHL.

An approach based on conflict analysis is required to address adverse impacts on both conflict and human rights.
Violent conflict is on the rise 
The past decade has witnessed the spread of international conflict and political instability worldwide. There are currently over 70 Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings (FCS), affecting 24 per cent of the global population.

As a result, companies increasingly find themselves operating in or sourcing from FCS. These contexts are often characterised by a range of dynamics that can undermine even the best-intentioned companies from operating responsibly.
Business activities are never neutral
When companies operate or source from in conflict-affected areas, their presence and activities interact with the context to shape the impacts that the company has on its stakeholders and on the operating context itself.

While companies may deliberately position themselves as neutral actors with respect to conflicts and tensions, the impacts of their activities are however never neutral.
Norms and standards are changing
Normative guidelines suggest that corporate due diligence should be proportional to risk. In conflict-affected areas, risk is elevated and the standards expected of companies are also elevated. 

The UN Working Group on business and human rights specifies that when businesses operate in conflict-affected areas, they have a responsibility to understand and address their impacts on conflict by undertaking ‘heightened human rights due diligence’.
Legal obligations & expectations are evolving  
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive outlines expectations for companies with business activities in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. 

Notably, companies are expected to adapt policies, governance mechanisms and due diligence processes to the specific risk factors associated with business activities in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. 
A human rights lens is necessary but insufficient  
An approach based solely on human rights will fail to capture company impacts on conflict and is unlikely to adequately assess the most significant human rights risks, particularly those that have a bearing on the conflict, including but not limited to IHL.

An approach based on conflict analysis is required to address adverse impacts on both conflict and human rights.

360° support Tailored to meet your company’s needs

In-country assessments
Action plans
Implementation support
Crisis management
Training & mentoring
Mediation & facilitation
Our services
We incorporate conflict and conflict-related issues into relevant internal and external facing documents; we develop new policies where needed and help companies understand the implications of applying a ‘conflict lens’.
We facilitate the development of company-wide governance processes that enable companies to manage decisions related to entry and exit on the one hand, and adjustments to ongoing business activities on the other.
We conduct in-country:
- Heightened human rights due diligence+ assessments
- Conflict-sensitivity assessments
- Social impact assessments of operations, supply and value chains.
On the basis of recommendations selected, we develop detailed, highly practical Action Plans to answer the ‘how’ of hHRDD and conflict-sensitivity at a granular level.
We provide tailored, targeted assistance on the implementation of certain aspects of the Action Plan as and where needed, or provide mentoring and accompaniment along the way.
We enable companies to lead through crises by providing tailored advisory and strategic communications.
We provide tailored training programmes for corporate-level and country-based staff, partners and suppliers.
We design mediation processes and facilitated dialogues to build trust, prevent conflict and resolve crises that may emerge with key stakeholders.
We incorporate conflict and conflict-related issues into relevant internal and external facing documents; we develop new policies where needed and help companies understand the implications of applying a ‘conflict lens’.
We facilitate the development of company-wide governance processes that enable companies to manage decisions related to entry and exit on the one hand, and adjustments to ongoing business activities on the other.
In-country assessments
We conduct in-country:
- Heightened human rights due diligence+ assessments
- Conflict-sensitivity assessments
- Social impact assessments of operations, supply and value chains.
Action plans
On the basis of recommendations selected, we develop detailed, highly practical Action Plans to answer the ‘how’ of hHRDD and conflict-sensitivity at a granular level.
Implementation support
We provide tailored, targeted assistance on the implementation of certain aspects of the Action Plan as and where needed, or provide mentoring and accompaniment along the way.
Crisis management
We enable companies to lead through crises by providing tailored advisory and strategic communications.
Training & mentoring
We provide tailored training programmes for corporate-level and country-based staff, partners and suppliers.
Mediation & facilitation
We design mediation processes and facilitated dialogues to build trust, prevent conflict and resolve crises that may emerge with key stakeholders.

What TrustWorks brings to you.

Our expertise

With over ten years of experience supporting public and private actors to manage conflict risks and maximise positive impacts, our partners can expect TrustWorks to have: deep subject matter expertise; significant comparative contextual knowledge; and, extensive practical know-how of what it takes to engage in conflict-affected areas.

Our dedication

Our partners can expect a true commitment to the mantra 'no more business as usual!'; we have seen what works, as well as what doesn’t. As a result, we care deeply about working responsibly and effectively in conflict-affected areas and our passion shines through. This is reflected in the high calibre of the people we’ve selected to join the TrustWorks team.

Our tools

With ten years of experience and a first-class team, it is no surprise that we have mastered the essence of what we do. Our work is always tailored to the situation at hand but informed - as appropriate - by our proprietary tools and methodologies on conflict-sensitivity, hHRDD, company benchmarking, and much more. Our partners expect excellence, and we deliver.

Founded in 2013, our approach is informed by our extensive experience on the ground and the deep expertise of the TrustWorks team.