Cadmos Peace European Engagement fund


In October 2022, De Pury Pictet Turrettini (PPT) announced its partnership with Geneva-based peace and conflict specialists, TrustWorks Global, to support its innovative engagement approach on peace and stability.


As part of its broader ‘Buy & Care®’ philosophy and in the context of the Cadmos Peace European Engagement Fund, PPT deploys an expert-driven active investor engagement approach to its investment portfolio.


In partnership with the peace and conflict specialists at TrustWorks, PPT directly engages portfolio companies on their operations and value chains in Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings (FCS), with a view to leveraging this expert driven engagement to catalyze conflict-sensitive and peace-promoting business policies and practices.


More than 900 engagement meetings with the largest global companies in all sectors have led to tangible progress, either on the integration of sustainability or on the development of tangible impactful initiatives linked to the 17 SDG’s.

Objectives of the partnership

The objective of the partnership with TrustWorks is to influence the policies and practices of portfolio companies with a high presence in FCS, with a view to catalysing company contributions to peace and stability. More specifically, the partnership has three core objectives:

  • Support companies with operations or supply chains in FCS to minimise the negative and maximise the positive impacts of their business activities on peace and stability.

  • Enable portfolio companies to develop policies, processes and practices that make them ‘fit for purpose’ in FCS, particularly through the integration and adoption of heightened human rights due diligence (in line with forthcoming EU legislation) and conflict-sensitivity approaches.

  • Encourage portfolio companies to integrate SDG 16 into their sustainability strategies with a view to maximising the achievement of all their SDG-related objectives since there can be no peace without development and no development without peace.

  1. What is the extent of the company presence in FCS?

    This part of the assessment explores the extent the company is exposed to conflict-related risks and peacerelated opportunities as a result of its operations or supply chains in FCS. The majority of companies have presence in a high number of FCS – ranging from 20 to 60 FCS based on TrustWorks’ FCS index.

  2. Are the company’s policies and practices ‘fit for purpose’ in FCS?

    This part of the assessment explores whether the company’s policies are ‘fit for purpose’ for FCS, including the extent to which the company: distinguishes between activities in FCS and non-FCS; incorporates peace and conflict-related concerns into risk/opportunity frameworks; and, conducts heightened human rights due diligence and/or conflict-sensitivity analyses in high-risk contexts. Most companies’ policies and processes are not yet ‘fit for purpose’ for FCS.

  3. Is the company’s sustainability strategy ‘peace-sensitive’?

    This part of the assessment explores whether the company’s policies are ‘fit for purpose’ for FCS, including the extent to which the company: distinguishes between activities in FCS and non-FCS; incorporates peace and conflict-related concerns into risk/opportunity frameworks; and, conducts heightened human rights due diligence and/or conflict-sensitivity analyses in high-risk contexts. Most companies’ policies and processes are not yet ‘fit for purpose’ for FCS.

About De Pury Pictet Turrettini

De Pury Pictet Turrettini (PPT) is an independent asset manager founded in 1996 in Geneva with appreciatively CHF 5 billion in assets under management. Since 2006, the company has been developing and managing funds with a Buy & Care® approach.


We invest (Buy) in profitable, sustainable, and impactful companies which will benefit from major paradigm shifts and engage (Care) directly to help them further progress and better integrate sustainability into their corporate strategy.


We start by constructing portfolios aligned with the three fundamentally transformative drivers of the 21st century, namely digital disruption, demographics, and climate change.



For more information about the fund, please contact:


Dominique Habegger


Chief Sustainability Officer



Founded in 2013, our approach is informed by our extensive experience on the ground and the deep expertise of the TrustWorks team.