TrustWorks is a Swiss-based social enterprise specialising in responsible and effective engagements in conflict-affected areas
We work diligently and discretely to support our public and private sector clients and partners to minimise their negative impacts on conflict and, where possible, to maximise their positive impacts on peace.
We protect our clients' interests by managing their risks, impacts and opportunities in line with legal requirements, normative expectations and evolving best practices.
Our work is practical, our approach is pragmatic, and our ethos informed by our commitment to improving the lives and livelihoods of those affected by violence and conflict.
We enable responsible and effective engagements in conflict-affected areas
We enable companies to operate, source and supply in line with legal requirements, normative frameworks and best practices on heightened human rights due diligence, conflict-sensitivity and International Humanitarian Law; where possible, we support companies to go beyond ‘minimum standards’ to have positive impacts on the lives and livelihoods of those affected by violence and conflict.
We enable investors - including DFIs, private, institutional and impact investors, as well as private banks - to manage conflict risks and impacts in line with legal requirements, normative frameworks and best practices; where possible and leveraging conflict-sensitive approaches, we support investors to go beyond ‘minimum standards’ to have positive impacts on the lives and livelihoods of those affected by violence and conflict.
Governments & IOs
We equip governments, international, regional and local organisations to address pressing, highly complex challenges to peacebuilding and peacemaking; our support creates bridges across diverse constituencies and organisations, public and private sectors, local and global actors with a view to fostering relevant, responsible and risk-informed initiatives in the contexts where they are needed the most.
networks knowledge partners
in all 70 of the most fragile and conflict-affected areas.We combine international and local expertise to be able to deliver high quality, tailored and practical support whether in the context of assessments, implementation of action plans, training programmes or stakeholder engagements. We can deploy quickly to help prevent or respond to diverse crises on the ground.