Conflict sensitivity capacity assessment tool for companies
Operational Peace & Conflict Capacity Assessment (OPCCA)
It is increasingly understood that companies’ internal procedures and capacities substantially determine their ability to effectively mitigate conflict risks and to operate responsibly in FCS.
TrustWorks’ Operational Peace & Conflict Capacity Assessment (OPCCA) was developed by our peace and conflict specialists who have extensive experience supporting companies and investors in FCS on the practical challenges they face in their operations, value chains and portfolios.
The OPCCA is also aligned with major international standards and principles that obligate companies with respect to the management of their social and human rights impacts, such as: the IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Responsibility; heightened human rights due diligence for conflict-affected and post-conflict areas; and, the OECD Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct- to mention only a few.
The OPCCA assesses the effectiveness and suitability of a company’s frameworks, policies, processes, people, competencies, and management controls as they relate to operating in FCS. The OPCCA process yields detailed, actionable recommendations for adapting business processes and developing internal capacity, and it can be tailored to a company’s needs, ambitions, and appetite.
Why use the OPCCA?
The OPPCA is an expert-led service provided to companies to provide insights on the effectiveness and suitability of a company’s frameworks, policies, processes, people, competencies, and management controls as they relate to operating in FCS. The OPCCA process yields detailed, actionable recommendations for adapting business processes and developing internal capacity, and it can be tailored to a company’s needs, ambitions, and appetite.
Who is the OPCCA meant for?
The OPCCA is designed for responsible companies that have operations or supply chains in FCS.
How is the OPCCA conducted?
The OPCCA is conducted by leading experts in peace and conflict at TrustWorks through a mix of survey, document review and interviews; the results are entered into the OPCCA platform, which has been designed to provide an accurate and consistent result. The results are then analysed by our experts, and the recommendations are tailored to the needs of the client, its risk appetite, resources and impact-related aspirations.
What does a company receive as a result of the OPCCA?
The company receives five products:
- A detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of each of the seven key areas of the company’s operations/value chains: company experience in FCS; management and policies; core operations; human resources; supply and value chains and contracting; government relations; and, stakeholder engagement;
- A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the company across the ten core indicators: understanding and awareness; staff resourcing and support; adaptive management; lines of accountability; internal and external communications; incentive structures; opinion and perceptions management; stress-testing and external review; red flagging, whistle blowing and grievance mechanisms; monitoring & evaluation, and learning.
- A qualitative analysis of the nature of the risks that the company is exposed as a result of its current frameworks, policies, processes, people, competencies, and management controls.
- A ranking of where the company ‘sits’ in relation to conflict risks and peace-related opportunities.
- Detailed recommendations and ‘action plan’ tailored to the specificities of the company in questions.
Is the OPCCA the same as conducting a heightened human rights due diligence (HHRDD) or conflict-sensitivity analysis?
No; the OPCCA assesses whether the company has in place adequate internal processes and management controls to operate in or source effectively in any FCS. A HHRDD or conflict-sensitivity analysis is undertaken to understand the interaction effects between the company and the conflict dynamics in a specific-FCS. A company that has effectively implemented the findings of the OPCCA assessment will be doing HHRDD/conflict-sensitivity as part of a broader set of policies, practices and controls to ensure it is able to operate responsibly in FCS.