Maureen E. Moriarty, PhD CAMS, TrustWorks Geneva

Maureen E. Moriarty PhD

Senior Advisor

Maureen E. Moriarty, PhD specializes in the role of illicit financial flows (IFFs), including money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) in conflict, fragility, and human security. She has worked on multiple assignments in this domain, including:

  • Preparing Military Civilian Affairs Officers within DOD to detect possible red flags for Terrorist Financing and convergence crimes associated with AML/CFT in preparation for deployments to Ukraine, Kosovo, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.
  • Undertaking investigative research into the use of illicit timber extraction to finance terrorist activity in Mozambique. The three-year investigation was covered by the BBC and other news outlets focusing on the security, environmental, climate, geopolitical, and transnational organized crime implications of these activities.
  • Serving as Co-Principal Investigator on a USAID Learning Activity on Sectoral Approaches to Mitigating Corruption in High Corruption Contexts.
  • Serving as Co-Principal Investigator on the intersection of forest related environmental degradation and vulnerability to Forced Labor/ Human Trafficking/Worst Forms of Child Labor in Myanmar and Mozambique.
  • Teaching and Training graduate fellows on Transnational Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption at the intersection of peacebuilding
  • Founding Duke University’s Peace Innovation Lab, which provides graduate fellows with the tools, space, and guidance to develop their own projects that are at scale and contribute to positive peace.

Most recently, Maureen has spoken at high level conferences as NGO Pillar Member of the Voluntary Principles Initiative in London and the European Forum on Urban Security (EFUS) presenting a model for participatory learning on how communities protect themselves from the vexing issues of crime, extremism, and insecurity at the urban level crime.

She is committed to curbing the pernicious effects of money laundering, terrorist financing, and organized crime on human security, the environment, and governance, as well as protecting the legitimate private sector from these threats. Maureen is passionate about human rights, stewardship of the environment, and responsive governance that supports economic opportunity at all levels of a society. She brings all of these experiences to Trustworks to reinforce the nexus with peace building in fragile context.

Prior to her pivot to this specific area of work, Maureen accumulated 25 years of experience working at the triple nexus of humanitarian, peacebuilding, and development in over 20 countries across multiple sectors such as land and resource governance, climate, and human security. She has worked for leading multilateral organizations – such as the World Bank and UN Habitat – and with multiple bilateral donors. She has extensive field experience working in some of the most challenging and sensitive contexts globally, including Somalia, the Russian Federation, Haiti, and Afghanistan.

Maureen’s track record spans from programme management on a variety of land and natural resource, human trafficking, anti-corruption, and human security projects to monitoring and evaluation, developing MEL frameworks and processes at the project, program, and organizational levels for grassroots and international NGO and bilateral donors, including SDC and SIDA. These initiatives have included implementing participatory, qualitative impact evaluation processes for private multinational firms to determine progress on efforts to curb forced and the worst forms of child labor in their supply chains. She has also provided technical support to global organizations such as the Tenure Facility to integrate conflict sensitivity into all organizational policies, practices, and processes.

Maureen has degrees in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Massachusetts. She is a Certified Specialist in AML/CFT from ACAMS and also holds a Certificate in Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Inclusion from The Digital Frontiers Institute in South Africa. She holds appointments as a Senior Fellow at The Duke University Center for International Development and the Duke/UNC Rotary Peace Program.

Regional Specialization

Africa, Central Europe

Thematic Specialization

Land and Resource Governance, AML/CFT, Conflict Sensitivity, Human Trafficking


English, Spanish

Selected Publications