A Tajik border guard at the Ishkashim crossing from Afghanistan. August 2007. David Trilling A Tajik border guard at the Ishkashim crossing from Afghanistan. August 2007. David Trilling

The renegotiated text of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (EU-CSDDD) was finally made public in January 2024. The new text on business activities in conflict-affected and high-risk areas – Article 30b – has important implications for companies with operations, supply chains and/or value chains in conflict-affected areas. In this brief, we address some of the most important questions for companies seeking to understand both the background and implications of Article 30b) for their activities in conflict-affected areas.


This brief will address the following 8 questions:

1. What does the text say?

2. Is this policy area new?

3. Why is it necessary to have different approaches to conflict-affected and non-conflict affected areas?

4. Why aren’t human rights-based approaches sufficient?

5. What is heightened human rights due diligence?

6. Which sectors are concerned?

7. Which geographies are concerned?

8. What kind of policies does a company need to have in place for conflict-affected areas?