Fund Manager of a Conflict-Sensitive SME Facility Fund Manager of a Conflict-Sensitive SME Facility


Business actors play an important role in conflict management, and the majority have an interest in peace. And yet, engaging with business actors in peace, security and stability is an under-explored area for the international community as a whole, and for the United Nations (UN) in particular. The lack of engagement with business actors is not only a missed opportunity but may be actively undermining prospects for sustainable peace. It deserves a real Agenda for Action.


Authored by: Josie Lianna Kaye PhD; Gerald Pachoud; and, Arthur Boutellis.
Date: July 2021
Business & Peace Series, Paper No.1


To cite: Kaye, Josie Lianna; Pachoud, Gerald; Boutellis, Arthur, ‘Including Business in Peace – An Agenda for Action’, business & Peace Series, Paper No. 1, TrustWorks Global, July 2021.

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Fund Manager of a Conflict-Sensitive SME Facility

Including Business in Peace – An Agenda for Action

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