Farmers are carrying seedlings. People in the community are working together to bring rice together. The way of life of Southeast Asian people walking through rural areas, rice fields, Work hard in the rice fields, Thailand. (Farmers are carrying seed Farmers are carrying seedlings. People in the community are working together to bring rice together. The way of life of Southeast Asian people walking through rural areas, rice fields, Work hard in the rice fields, Thailand. (Farmers are carrying seed

EU-CSDDD: Business Activities in Conflict-affected Areas

EU-CSDDD: Business Activities in Conflict-affected Areas

EU-CSDD: Business Activitives in Conflict-affected and High-Risk Areas April 2024   Overview In April 2024, the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (EU-CSDDD) was formally adopted by the European Parliament after months of intense negotiations between Member States. The revised version amended the scope of companies affected; it now applies to: i) EU companies with […]

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TrustWorks Global Corporate Sustainability due Diligence

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Amendment 37

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Amendment 37: What implications for companies and investors with activities in conflict-affected and high-risk areas?   June 9th 2023 TrustWorks Global Geneva, Switzerland     Background  On June 1st, 2023, the European Parliament agreed upon its position on the European Union (EU) Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD […]

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Is it time for a UN Security Council Resolution on business & peace?

Towards a UN Security Council Resolution on Including Business in Peace: Is it time?

Towards a UN Security Council Resolution on Including Business in Peace: Is it time?   April 2022   Excerpt Calls for businesses or the private sector to be included in conflict prevention and peacebuilding remain very much on the margins of United Nations (UN) discourse and have yet to penetrate the narrower, more political and […]

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Including Business in Peace – An Agenda for Action

Business actors play an important role in conflict management, and the majority have an interest in peace. And yet, engaging with business actors in peace, security and stability is an under-explored area for the international community as a whole, and for the United Nations (UN) in particular. The lack of engagement with business actors is not only a missed opportunity but may be actively undermining prospects for sustainable peace. It deserves a real Agenda for Action.

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