Marc Jacquand TrustWorks Global

Marc Jacquand

Senior Advisor

Marc has over twenty years of experience in the field of crisis response, support to peacebuilding and international development.  Marc has held a number of positions within the United Nations, including senior level responsibilities for strategic planning and overall coordination for political missions in Jerusalem, Tripoli, and Somalia, as well as numerous other short-term assignments in conflict settings. From 2017 to 2019, Marc served in the Executive Office of the Secretary General, where he worked on peacekeeping mission reviews, digital governance and innovation, and UN reform.

Marc started his career at Crédit Lyonnais, in the origination/syndication department of the US subsidiary. He then worked for the microfinance organization, FINCA, in its planning and strategic development department. Between 2002 and 2005, he worked as a Programme Manager in the microfinance unit of UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), with responsibility for investment projects in Latin America and Africa.

Marc is also an adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University, where he teaches classes on risk management in complex environments and on global governance. Between 2011 and 2014, he developed and taught the Natural Resource and Conflict Practicum, overseeing graduate student research projects on the links between foreign direct investment, natural resources, and peacebuilding. Between 2011 and 2014, and between 2019 and 2021, he was also a research fellow at the Center for International Cooperation (CIC) at NYU where past research focused on risk management, protection of civilians, and EU civilian crisis management missions, and where he is currently working on the links between macro-economic crisis responses and political transitions.

Marc has a Master’s in Business Administration from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) in France and a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University in New York. He lives in New York, with his wife and two daughters.

Regional Specialization


Thematic Specialization

Strategic Planning for crisis and post-conflict responses; conflict resolution and facilitation; risk management on crisis and post-conflict environments, Post-Conflict Needs Assessments, financial sector development; and, conflict and natural resources and conflict


French, English and Spanish

Selected Publications

  • Inside the Engine Room: ‘Enabling the delivery of UN mandates in complex environments’, International Peace Institute, 2019
  • Protection of Civilians: Challenges and New Frontiers for Peace Operations at the Twentieth Anniversary; in Peace Operations Review, Center for International Cooperation (CIC), NYU 2019