TrustWorks Global Geneva Armed militants with MEND make a show of arms in support of their fallen comrades deep in the swamps of the Niger Delta, Nigeria, 2006, Ed Kashi TrustWorks Global Geneva Armed militants with MEND make a show of arms in support of their fallen comrades deep in the swamps of the Niger Delta, Nigeria, 2006, Ed Kashi

Our mission is based on the following core beliefs about fragile and conflict settings and opportunities for positive social impact:

The future of development will be in Fragile and Conflict Settings (FCS)

  • By 2030, more than 80% of the world’s poorest could be living in FCS. Development work therefore cannot be ‘business as usual’ but must be adapted to the specificities of FCS.


  • The majority of FCS are also those most exposed and vulnerable to the dynamics of climate change; supporting FCS to address the intersection of climate and conflict will become increasingly urgent.

Public-private collaboration is imperative

  • Siloed ways of working are ineffective and the scale and complexity of the challenges in FCS cannot be addressed by one actor alone; complex collaborations between the public and private sector are required to see sustainable progress in FCS.


  • Responsible private sector investment in FCS is critical for transitioning out of conflict; achieving this requires pushing the boundaries of how public and private actors work together.

The supply and demand ‘gap’ must be bridged

  • ’Top down’ approaches based on out-of-date blueprints are leading to an increasing dislocation between international efforts (“supply”) and what is required from the perspective of the conflict and local stakeholders (“demand”).


  • As peace efforts and actors multiply across levels and thematic siloes, harnessing the power of this diversity in an innovative manner that is sensitive to conflict dynamics is necessary to avoid ‘doing harm’ and to ensure peace is sustainable.